Thursday, November 12, 2009

Genesis Chapter 39-41

In Genesis chapters 39-41 there is the story of Joseph's time in the hands of slaves, prison and then even Pharaohs right hand man. It is an amazing story and a great lesson in what Joseph both said and did. Joseph was a righteous man that was undeservedly thrown into slavery by his brothers (pulling on previous chapters.) Some say it was his pride and boasting that did it. For he told his brothers what God revealed to him in dreams and that somehow his brothers would bow to him. There is no record in scripture of what his heart was saying during the time with his brothers. In a family if God reveals something to you don't you want to tell everyone and get clarity? Anyways that's a side point.

Imagine being sold into slavery by your own family; forced to work for nothing, given the bare minimums to live, and expected to live your life as property. That is exactly what happened to Joseph, and he started off prosperous. Wouldn't we want to give up and grumble and complain through such trying times? Joseph didn't, instead he followed God with full face and was in-trusted with Potiphar's entire household. The only thing withheld from him was Potiphar's wife, of which took a great liking to Joseph. Eventually she lied got Joseph thrown in jail. Again Joseph did nothing wrong and was given horrible treatment.

Now imagine being in a prison, with the lowlifes of the world. God must not like you right? You did nothing wrong and now you are stuck at the lowest point of life. Thankfully Joseph did not take this attitude. Instead he again kept faithful to God and kept his head up. The warden put him in charge of everyone in the prison, and entrusted Joseph to the degree of not even needing to check on him. Joseph was working hard and full of integrity. During this time God brought two of Pharaoh's servants to him. They were thrown into prison with him for displeasing Pharaoh. They had a dream and Joseph interpreted them given full credit to God. Joseph allowed God to interpret them, not his own understanding, which led to both interpretations to be correct. Word got to Pharaoh and Pharaoh also had a dream. Joseph again was called to interpret and says "I cannot do it... but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires" (Gen 41:16.)

That is the exact attitude that Joseph had in everything he did in these chapters. God got the credit, God was his strength, and God delivered him to a leader directly under Pharaoh. I think we can learn from this. We may not always of the best circumstances but we shouldn't complain about them. What right do we to complain? God allows situations to happen to give us strength and to test us. Shall we complain and give up? Or lets keep the faith, follow God, and keep giving all that we have in everything we do. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24.)