Monday, November 2, 2009

Genisis chapters 8-10

Chapter 8 brings the end of the flood. The water receeds and Noah sent out a raven and a dove to find dry land. Once the land was dry one of the first things he did was build an alter and offered sacrifice. His mind was right on God when walking out of the ark. As it should have been. God then made a covenant with man. To never destroy all living creatures ever again... as long as the earth endures. When I first read to never destroy all living creatures I instantly thought of the end times. If God said he would never wipe out everything again how would the end times happen? But the end times isn't wiping out just the creatures. It is also wiping out earth. Kind of interseting.

Another side note is within that passage as well. "Every inclination of his [man's] heart is evil from childhood." Just think where I would be if God didn't change my heart. Our inclinations, from childhood, are all selfish and apart of God. Sometimes it makes me wonder why God even wants us to come to Him. In our core we are rotten, yet He set up redemption to bring us to Him.

In Chapter 9 God opens up the variety of foods we may eat. No longer is it just plants, but God gave us meat as well. With the exception of anything that has lifeblood in it. (remember God breathed life into us.) Just as I thought canibalism is wrong. haha. But God has set up severe punishment for those who murder. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall hs blood be shed."

God set a sign to confirm his covenant. A rainbow, which when I think of rainbows I think of peace and beauty. Which is something God has set for us to have. It is a reminder to God of the covenant and a reminder to us of what power He has, yet He will not send it down on us before the end times.

Chapter 10 goes on with the nations that each of Noahs sons created. Kind of facinating just how much God used a few people to create so much. I'm sure deep study would reveal a lot with these passages but with a read through it kind of leaves you blank.